“We play. We laugh. We learn."
CALL US: (435) 789-3882
Childcare Center
650 N Vernal Ave
Vernal, UT 84078
The mission of Sunburst Childcare Center is to provide the best possible care and education for children ages 4 weeks to 11 years. We provide a variety of developmentally appropriate learning activities in a safe and nurturing environment.
Center Information:
Open: Monday-Friday
Center Hours: 6:45 am to 6:15 pm
We are closed for the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, July 24th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day (and the Friday after) and Christmas Day. Advance notice will be given for any other closures.
Financial Policies:
Fees – Ages 0 to 2 Years: We offer a Monthly or Daily contracted rate. You will be required to fill out a contract each month. You will be charged for contracted days regardless of attendance. Please see chart below.
Age Monthly (Full Time) Daily
0-23 months $1172 a month $51
2 yr old $867 a month $37.75
Fees – Ages 3 and Older: We offer an Hourly or Daily Rate with a minimum daily charge of one hour.
Age Daily Hourly
3 yr old $35.50 $8.75
4 yr old $34.00 $8.50
5 yr old $33.00 $8.25
6-11 yrs old $27.50 $6.75
Payment: We are a pre-pay facility. You must show a credit on your account prior to leaving your child. We accept Visa, MC, Discover, Debit, Cash, Checks and Money Orders.
Past Due Payments: If your account is more than 30 days late, it will be turned over to collections. You will be responsible to pay all collection costs as well as all attorney fees and court costs with 18.5% interest.
Return Check Policy: There will be a $25.00 charge for all returned checks. After 2 returned checks ALL payments must be made with cash, money order, debit card or credit card.
Closing Time: Children picked up after closing time will be charged $3 per minute, per child. If emergencies arise, please call and keep us informed. Late fees will still apply.
Check In/Out Policy:
You are required to walk into the building with your child each day, walk them to class and make certain the caregiver knows they are there, and check them in on the computer. Older siblings are not to bring or pick up child unless you have called with permission. You also need to come into the building to pick up your child, inform the caregiver they are leaving, and check them out on the computer.
Dressed & Ready Policy:
I will bring my child dressed in clean clothes (and a clean diaper if applicable). I will make sure my child is wearing suitable shoes. We play outside daily, weather permitting, so please dress your child accordingly. Please label coats, hats, gloves etc. with your child’s name.
Releasing Children:
We will only release children to individuals who are authorized by the parent or legal guardian. If these people are not listed on your registration form, please follow the procedure below:
1. Call the center
2. We will verify your “code word”
3. Person picking up will need photo ID
Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks:
We serve nutritional meals or snacks every 3 hours. Menus are posted on the bulletin board in the hall. We try our best to serve what is outlined. If you need copies of the menus please ask the office.
Meal Time
Breakfast 8:30 am - 9:00 am
Lunch 11:15 am - 1:30 pm
PM Snack 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Treat Policy:
You are welcome to bring treats for your child’s class. Please make sure that any food items are store bought.
Upon enrollment, parents are responsible to provide information about their child’s allergies. If it is a food allergy we will be sure that the child is not offered that item. Depending on the severity of the allergy and the meals that are offered you may be required to bring in replacement foods.
Please provide a copy of your child’s up-to-date immunizations prior to enrollment. Please bring a new copy each time they are updated.
Illness Policy:
We have a “24 Hour” rule governing many illnesses and symptoms. Please keep your child home for 24 hours AFTER symptoms have subsided or 24 hours AFTER medication has begun for the following illnesses:
Fever over 101°
Pink Eye or any other bacterial infection requiring antibiotics or prescription meds
If your child shows signs of any of the following illnesses after being dropped off at the daycare we will call you to come and pick them up promptly. Your child must be picked up within 30 minutes of notification.
Your child vomits
Your child has two diarrhea episodes in one day
Your child has a fever of 101° degrees or higher
If your child is too sick to go outside while at daycare, please keep him/her at home. If you need us to administer medication to your child, please fill out a medication form at the front office. Medicine needs to be in it’s original container with the child’s name on it.
Updated Information:
Please keep us informed of any change of address, phone numbers, employment, health, emergency information or family situation.
Items to Bring:
If your child wears diapers or pull-ups these will need to be provided, as well as 2 wipe refills each month. We do have some emergency diapers at the daycare that are available for a charge of $1 each; pull-ups are $2.
Please do not bring a diaper bag. We will provide a zip lock bag for spare clothes that will remain at the center.
If your child, age 3 or younger, is attached to a small blanket they are welcome to bring it to for rest/nap time. Please plan on taking the blanket home each Friday to be washed.
Please leave ALL toys at home (including make-up, lip gloss and jewelry). We will not be responsible for lost, stolen or broken items.
Movies & Video Games:
As a general rule movies and video games are not available to the children in our care. However, according to the center’s discretion we may allow one movie a month and occasional supervised computer use for children over the age of two. Computer use is limited to educational games or homework and in 15 minute increments.
Devices used for adaptive functioning are always allowed. Please talk to someone in the office to make arrangements as needed.
Potty Training Policy:
We will do our best to help you with this important milestone. We recommend that parents start with a long consistent week-end at home, followed by pull-ups and then underwear when you feel your child is ready. During this time, please bring several labeled sets of clothing, including underwear and socks, to the daycare.
If your child wears daycare clothing home, PLEASE return it laundered to the daycare as soon as possible.
Fire Drills and Disaster Drills:
We conduct monthly fire drills and quarterly disaster drills. In the event of an emergency that requires us to evacuate the building we will transport the children, using the center bus or caregiver vehicles, to the Uintah County Library located at 152 E 100 N. (Head south on Vernal Avenue to 100 North, Turn East) If we need to evacuate the city we will transport the children, using the center bus and caregiver vehicles, to the Ouray Turnoff. (Head south on Highway 40 towards Roosevelt for about 15 miles. It is on the left hand side of the road.)
You will be responsible to pay for any damages caused deliberately by your child/children.
Getting to Know You:
We are excited to get to know you and your family. To facilitate the care of your child please fill out the Child Information Sheet, letting us know their likes, dislikes and interests. We also encourage you to come in for a tour of the center and meet the teachers before your child starts.
Busing Policy:
We currently provide transportation to and from Ashley Elementary. We charge $45 one way and $65 for two ways. Transportation needs to be pre-arranged with the office.
Discipline Policy:
At Sunburst Childcare Center we are genuinely interested in your child’s welfare. We have carefully thought through our guidance and discipline policies to be better prepared to care for your child.
Our ultimate goal is to teach the children self-discipline by:
1. Intervention
2. Re-direction
3. Talking and reasoning with the child
With aggressive behavior in children 2 years and older we use time out to help the child gain control of his emotions. Time out does not exceed 1 minute per age of child. We follow a daily routine so the children know what is expected and accepted. We give praise, positive attention and teach rules and responsibilities as an integral part of our curriculum.
Specific behaviors that are not tolerated include, but are not limited to, name calling, shaming, embarrassing, threatening, hitting, swearing or any other behavior that affects the safety of the child and others. We follow a "Three Strikes, You’re Out" policy. If we feel that your child is a detriment to the other children, or to our program we will:
Strike 1: Call a parent to pick up the child
Strike 2: Have a meeting with the parent, staff and child to discuss goals of behavior.
Strike 3: The child will be expelled from the daycare
The director, teacher or caregiver shall not use, nor permit any other staff or child to use, physical punishment, humiliation, fear, or the withholding of food or rest as a method of discipline to control the actions or behavior of any child.
Please feel free to talk to the director or co-directors with any questions or concerns.
I have read Sunburst Childcare Center’s Policies and Procedures and agree with and will follow as outlined.
Parent: Date:
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Parent: Date:
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